Subtle Signs That Your Roof Needs Repair

Subtle Signs That Your Roof Needs Repair
27 Nov
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The roof above your head can be a bit tricky to decipher. Identifying subtle signs is important because addressing roofing problems early isn’t just easier, it’s also more affordable. Dynamic Roofing Concepts, your local roofing contractor, discusses these subtle signs your riverview roof needs repair.

Water Stains on the Ceiling

If there are water stains on your ceilings, chances are you have a leak on your hands. Larger water spots indicate a larger leak somewhere in the roof or attic. Finding the source of the leak is a little tricky, so look out for damp areas as these may be where the leak is passing through to the ceiling. Once you’ve found the source, you should call a professional roofer like us to address it as soon possible.

Damaged or Old Flashings

Flashings are the thin strips of metal or tar that protect your roof’s most vulnerable parts, like the valleys, from water damage. Since water tends to naturally gravitate towards these areas, the flashings tend to get worn down easily. Replacing damaged flashings should always be a part of your full roof repair project to make sure your roof remains leak-free throughout the year.

Higher Energy Bills

Your roof plays a large role in regulating your home’s energy through natural ventilation and heat absorption. A sudden increase in your energy bills without adding a new electrical appliance is a sign that there may be something wrong with your roof. Either a leak has formed or it has sustained damage that is affecting its natural energy-saving properties.

Whether you have an asphalt or metal roofing system, it pays to have a professional take a look at your roofing. Call us today at (813) 257-9355 for more information about us. We offer professional roof repair service throughout Tampa, FL.

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Dynamic Roofing Concepts Inc. is a family owned and operated company that offers affordable and high quality roofing.

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Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm

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Dynamic Roofing Concepts Inc.
416 E Windhorst Road Brandon, FL 33510
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